It was our responsibility to get messages out about road conditions, traffic and construction, across as many different mediums, in as clear of communication as we could. Above are some examples of the online animated ads, direct mail, websites, and internal maps we employed to this extent during my time in the department 

Social media played a large role, not only in keeping everyone informed on what was going on on the York Region roads, but also what programs and initiatives were taking place as well. Above is a social media campaign I worked on that celebrated some of the unexpected York Region workers and the jobs they did

One of our partners was Smart Commute, and I worked with them on their 2020 campaign before it was cancelled due to COVID

The transportation department entered floats in the municipalities' holiday parades each year and I worked on several concepts for the bus wraps

Another one of our partners was the Ontario Public Works Association, who put on a Right of Way conference each year. Above is the cover I designed for the 2020 program

Lastly, I worked on internal communications for the department and studied user interaction not only for online interfaces but also simple tactile communication as above

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